(EXAMPLE) TEST PRODUCT Shipping workarounds (Copy)
Stock data considerations:
Use Tags for Admin purposes
Make stock items identifiable by using tags. If you do not wish it to be visible on the site then start it with a # (hashtag) or _ (underscore). i.e. "#ENQUIRY ONLY" Then website code can be set up to hide tags with these characters.
Alternatively, keep it simple and tags customer friendly. You can still choose to use special characters to make it show at the top of your lag list.
e.g. "Enquire Online" or "# Enquire Online"
Shipping workaround (Pickup only / Bulky rate)
Make stock items identifiable by adding an intentionally high weight of 99kg or 9999g (entering the same number is easier to input, but up to you). Standard shipping rates are then set up so anything 99kg+ either cannot be shipped or has a higher shipping rate.
Alternatively, if you have varied shipping requirements or discounts, then consider using tags for admin purposes. e.g. "#PICKUP ONLY" You can then connect with an app to manage shipping rules or manually manage products as per usual.
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